
Edelman Financial Engines

Edelman Financial Engines zoom meeting with Kevin Hamel

The Doug Kenline Newsletter

Today is born The Doug Kenline Newsletter. I say if you're going to start a business, put your name on it. Make a big sign with your name on it and put it right out on the street where you live where everybody can see it.   Then go to work. Doug Kenline

working on every penny app

after get every penny down to a nats ass talk to tax and cpa types get detailed business reports for presentation to bank letters and IRS talk about long term health insurance talk with Dave Ramsey invester professional talk with other investment people motley fool edlemen etc. talk to fidelity read the good book play chess take it easy keep all bills paid keep job and paycheck coming in  maintain good positive cash flow save 50% of income

reston virginia tax cpa

Synergy Consultants & CPAs LLC | Leading Dental CPAs | Amr Alian ( Reston VA CPA Accounting Firm | Herndon CPA ( Home | SW Gordon CPA Tax Accountant | Reston, Herndon, Fairfax Probably spend a few hours with several in Reston.  Looks like there is quite a selection. Invest some money in getting some good advice as to where I am now and how to do my bookkeeping and accounting. Although I have my every penny expense tracker.  Start with that.  Find out exactly down to the penny what I am spending and what I am saving and what my cash flow is. The reason to seek professional help would be to teach me how to look at where I stand.   I guess it's pretty simple.  Assets minus liabilities equals Net Worth.   Income less expenses equals cash flow. Not really much else to know. Fill out the 1040 form once a year and get a little refund. Rinse wash and repeat. As far as a will goes I can just go with Legal Zoom....

Jerome Maldonado Build Wealth

Got text on my phone saying he's going live now. Joined Zoom call on my phone. Looking for him on my computer. (23305) 5 Ways to Generate Income | Multi-Family Investing Expert Jerome Maldonado - YouTube

$300 Per Day Blueprint!

  (23109) Steven Rachel - YouTube q