Morning Commentary

What Patrick Donohoe is saying about the 401k and taxes is enough to make you sick.  Kind of like hearing that you've been a slave all of your life and have been duped by the system.  Made a fool by the bankers and Wall Street.  I suppose Frederick Douglas may have had similar feelings.  I will study a bit of Frederick Douglas and perhaps visit his house in Anacostia.  Maybe I'll find a good wife down there although these American ones are a tricky breed and are best left alone unless one is planning on spending a pretty penny.

Great writers seldom mentioned Jesus Christ in the so-called good books that I had as a kid.  My Aunt Mary Lou did give me a big white children's bible stories book that is on the shelf behind me but may be destined for the storage bin of history along with my hand-crafted chess board that I made in Junior High following the instructions and guidance of the great Mr. Hurt who also coached the football team.  I wish he would have taught me what Patrick Donohoe is trying to teach me but at the same time I am glad that I was not being held in chains in a dungeon like Jeremiah.

God is all that there is.  Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light.  And it doesn't matter that I am a sinner.  Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Demascus to destroy the Christian church when Jesus struck him down and blinded him and Saul became Paul and wrote almost half or more than half of the new tetstament.  Praise be to God.

You know he's coming.  Just like he came and took someone that you loved.  Every knee shall bow.  You'll understand as you take your last breaths of the oxygen that we are blessed to be breathing here in this earth age if not sooner.  I know I will know as I take my last breaths that God is all there is.  And I can only hope that I will be allowed in and not sent to the lake of fire.

So what is this be your own bank stuff that Mr. Donohoe is talking about?  I'm afraid to talk to my investment advisor about it as he may laugh me out of his office.  It seems to make perfect sense to me but so does knowing that the IRS is a criminal organization.  So you go along.  Your pay the income tax.  You pump your money into your 401k.  And you miss out on millions of dollars of lost opportunity cost, so says Mr. Donohoe and many others.

I have decided that I'm going to get a PhD in Finance from Princeton University in New Jersey.  I will attend online courses and pay for my tuition in cash using my new WMA Wealth Maximization Account.  In order to set up the WMA I will first need to read the list of books suggested by Mr. Donohoe.  There are over one hundred books on the list.  This I should be able to do by the end of this year.  Good Lord willing and the creek don't rise.

I guess a lot of these writers like to stay away from mentioning the name of Jesus.  Perhaps they consider it to be a private matter, and I can go along with that.  I try to tell my employer that it is a private matter and for the moment they are leaving me alone with the threat of revocation looming on their communist red May Day D-Day July 5.  On July 4 we celebrate Independence Day.  On July 5 the commies let me know if they are going to respect my rights or persecute me with termination.  I am not alone.  Andrew is my friend and so is Dan in core networks.  Better than being on Schindler's list but not far from it.  The box cars might be getting brushed off as I write these words.

I will spend my time reading and writing and hope to have a substantial amount in my will on the day I take my last breath.  Who I am going to will it to I have not yet decided.  At this point I am thinking perhaps Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge.  God bless and until next time this is Paul Harvey.  Good day.


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